Pros and cons of traditional tympanometry: the customer’s voice


Background: the classic impedance test that uses pressure in the detection of the tympanogram and stapedial reflexes has represented for years the main procedure in determining the functionality of the middle ear; the aim of this paper is to highlight the main difficulties in the clinical performance of tympanometry reported by Italian technicians specialized in audiometry Methods: a survey was administered to audiometrist technicians in two ways: direct interviews with technicians from various hospitals who practice in audiology and otolaryngology departments in the Veneto region recruited directly by us and a survey published in an online forum composed exclusively of personnel with a degree in audiometric techniques who could freely access and answer the survey Results: We collected the data obtained from the compilation of as many as 60 questionnaires (all 60 technicians adequately filled in all the questions in the questionnaire). The most interesting points include the following difficulties reported: ensuring a stable pressure seal and making a correct choice of caps during the test, the execution of tympanometry in pediatric patients, the execution of tympanometry in patients with current otitis media or those who have recently undergone middle ear surgery Discussion: The tympanometric examination is a pivotal test in the audiological diagnosis process; it is a fundamental test in the diagnosis of otological pathologies in both pediatric and adult patients. As emerged from our survey however, the current procedure is not free from problems and criticalities that clinicians must face on a daily basis that can influence the quality of the examinations in the diagnostic process.

Sorrentino F., Greggio M. (2023) "Pros and cons of traditional tympanometry: the customer’s voice " Audiologia e Foniatria, 8(1), 23-27. DOI: 10.14658/pupj-IJAP-2023-1-3  
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